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How to earn from social sites Part-1 :: Earn from Facebook likes, comments etc

Many people have asked how to earn money through Facebook, because of the ignorance they couldn't find the correct way, but there are many others who are working regularly and earn a lot of money.

What you need to do?

First I would to say earning from Facebook is very easy and anyone can do in a very short period of time and the demand of this kind of job is increasing day by day.

1. Facebook like:
Everyday we give like to our friend posts, pictures, wall status and do something else. Like exactly the same way you can earn from different fan pages, brand pages etc.

2. Commenting on pictures and giving likes.

3. Giving votes in different contests or participants.

4. By inviting your friends to join an event.

5. By using Facebook applications.

6. By playing games.

7. Writing post in different groups.

8. By replying post.

And lots more......................... I hope this video will provide you more ideas.

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